
Someone Stole the Baby!

So one of my best friends recently had his first kid and she is very sweet and adorable. Ever since she was born I've felt very differently towards having kids. I've always wanted to have kids after I'm married, but with all the nieces and nephews I've had to deal with and my short patience when it comes to dealing with loud obnoxious noises (which if you ask any of my 5 sisters, they will say this is very strange to hear coming from me) taking all that into mind I can say that I haven't exactly worried about how soon I would have a kid myself. But since this sweet little girl's birth I have felt excited at the thought of being a father. I have felt more patience towards my nieces and nephews and anytime I see a kid I get that gooey feeling inside. Recently I was listening to a story and a man talks about how he feels towards his young son when he asks for a candy apple and then later swats the apple out of the kids hand because he thinks he sees something in it and the kid starts crying. As I listened to this part of the story I myself almost started crying for the poor kid as if I was the dad and had just scared the poor kid and ruined his apple that he had been so excited about.

Anyway why do I bring this up you ask? Well last night I had an interesting dream. A very vivid dream. I was with my friend who I mentioned already and we were taking care of his daughter. She was wrapped up and I was holding her. We were in a kind of dark hallway waiting for something. As we stood there my friend had to go get something or do something I don't remember what exactly but in any case he left and I was there still with his daughter taking care of her until he got back. As I stood there waiting I really had to go to the bathroom. I held it but after a while I just couldn't anymore so I thought, "I'll just put her down here for a minute and then I'll come back and she'll be fine." Kind of the same thought process I have anytime I leave my computer on a table while I go to the bathroom or a vending machine while I'm on campus. I of course worry that someone will steal it but I figure I'll only be gone a minute or so and there's people all over the place. So I go. Then I come back and there is a brown paper bag there where I left the baby. For some reason this wasn't strange to me and I think she must have been wrapped in a paper bag before. So I'm holding this bag and there's something warm inside so I'm not too worried. But my mind keeps nagging at me to just check and make sure its the baby I'm holding. I finally check and... NO BABY! I look in the bag and there's a bunch of fast food hamburgers and such. It quickly dawns on me that I've lost my friend's baby. I can't really describe just how awful that feels. There's no undo button. You can't buy an identical one and hope he doesn't find out. You've just lost the baby and the only thing that matters is getting it back. Well I woke up before I could find the baby but I did go to his house tonight and am happy to report that he still has a daughter and no one has lost her yet. And I am having second thoughts on how soon I really will be ready to have a kid. Especially if I'm going to be putting them in paper bags and mistaking them for fast food.

1 comment:

Nick in Progress said...

When you get your baby, make sure you did not get one with extra guacamole.